Characters related by pinyin - most common first

guo Home Pinyin

郭 guō 锅 guō 蝈 guō 涡 guō 聒 guō 呙 guō 埚 guō 崞 guō

国 guó 掴 guó 虢 guó 帼 guó 腘 guó 馘 guó

果 guǒ 裹 guǒ 椁 guǒ 馃 guǒ 蜾 guǒ

过 guò

Pinyin phrases without tones

guoan 国安 guóān guoan

guoban 过半 guòbàn more than half

guobao 国宝 guóbǎo national treasure

guobuqu 过不去 guòbuqù make life difficult for

guochan 国产 guóchǎn domestic

guochang 过长 guò zhǎng too long

guocheng 过程 guòchéng process

guochi 国耻 guóchǐ national humiliation

guocuo 过错 guòcuò fault

guodao 国道 guódào state road

guodao 过道 guòdào aisle

guodegang 郭德纲 guōdégāng guo degang

guodi 锅底 guō dǐ bottom of the pot

guodong 果冻 guǒdòng jelly

guodong 过冬 guòdōng winter

guodu 国度 guódù country

guodu 过度 guòdù over

guodu 过渡 guòdù transition

guoduan 果断 guǒduàn decisive

guoduo 过多 guò duō excessive

guofang 国防 guófáng national defence

guofen 果粉 guǒfěn fruit powder

guofen 过份 guòfèn unduly

guofen 过分 guòfèn excessive

guogai 锅盖 guō gài pot lid

guogan 锅杆 guōgǎn pot-shot

guogao 过高 guògāo prohibitive

guoge 国歌 guógē anthem

guoguan 过关 guòguān pass

guoguo 果果 guǒ guǒ fruit

guoguo 蝈蝈 guō guō cricket

guoguo 过过 guò guò passed

guohou 过后 guòhòu after

guohui 国会 guóhuì congress

guohuo 国货 guóhuò domestic goods

guohuo 过火 guòhuǒ over fire

guoji 国籍 guójí country of citizenship

guoji 国际 guójì international

guojia 国家 guójiā countries

guojiadui 国家队 guójiā duì national team

guojiaji 国家级 guójiā jí national level

guojiang 果酱 guǒjiàng jam

guojiao 果胶 guǒ jiāo pectin

guojie 过界 guòjiè overspill

guojie 过节 guòjié festival

guojihua 国际化 guójì huà globalization

guojing 过境 guòjìng transit

guojun 国军 guó jūn guojun

guoke 过客 guòkè passer-by

guoku 国库 guókù exchequer

guolai 过来 guòlái come

guoleng 过冷 guòlěng supercooled

guoliang 过量 guòliàng excess

guolu 过路 guòlù crossing

guolu 锅炉 guōlú boiler

guolu1 过滤 guòlǜ filter

guomalu 过马路 guò mǎlù cross the road

guomin 国民 guómín national

guomin 过敏 guòmǐn allergies

guomindang 国民党 guómíndǎng kuomintang

guominxing 过敏性 guòmǐn xìng allergic

guonei 国内 guónèi domestic

guoneiwai 国内外 guónèi wài domestic and foreign

guonian 过年 guònián new year

guopan 果盘 guǒpán fruit dish

guopi 果皮 guǒpí peel

guoqi 国企 guóqǐ state-owned enterprise

guoqi 国旗 guóqí flags

guoqi 过期 guòqí expired

guoqing 国庆 guóqìng national day

guoqing 国情 guóqíng national conditions

guoqu 过去 guòqù elapsed

guoran 果然 guǒrán really

guore 过热 guòrè overheat

guoren 国人 guórén chinese

guoren 过人 guò rén pass people

guorizi 过日子 guòrìzi live

guorou 果肉 guǒròu pulp

guosheng 过剩 guòshèng excess

guoshengri 过生日 guò shēngrì birthday

guoshi 果实 guǒshí fruit

guoshi 过失 guòshī fault

guoshi 过时 guòshí obsolescence

guotang 果糖 guǒtáng fructose

guotou 过头 guòtóu over the head

guotu 国土 guótǔ land

guotui 裹腿 guǒtuǐ legging

guowai 国外 guówài abroad

guowang 国王 guówáng king

guowang 过往 guòwǎng past

guowang 过网 guòwǎng wheeling

guowei 国威 guówēi guowei

guowuyuan 国务院 guówùyuàn state council

guoxue 国学 guóxué national studies

guoyanyunyan 过眼云烟 guòyǎnyúnyān over the clouds

guoye 过夜 guòyè overnight

guoyin 过瘾 guòyǐn enjoyable

guoyou 国有 guóyǒu owned

guoyu 国语 guó yǔ mandarin

guoyu 过于 guòyú excessively

guoyuan 果园 guǒyuán orchard

guozao 过早 guò zǎo too early

guozhai 国债 guózhài national debt

guozhen 果真 guǒzhēn really

guozhen 果阵 guǒ zhèn fruit array

guozhi 果汁 guǒzhī fruit juice

guozi 果子 guǒzi fruit

woliu 涡流 wōliú whirlpool

wolun 涡轮 wōlún turbine

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce